Bringing hope & healing through awareness, support, advocacy & community enhancement.
Bringing hope & healing through awareness, support, advocacy & community enhancement.
Working today to change tomorrow!
Working today to change tomorrow!
National Crime Victims' Rights Week
Every year, millions of Americans are affected by crime. Many will need ongoing care, support, and resources. April 23–29 is National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, a time to amplify the voices of survivors and commit to creating an environment where survivors have the confidence that they will be heard, believed and supported. Let’s stand with families, neighbors, friends, and colleagues whose lives have been forever altered by crime. We resolve to help them find their justice and forge new healing pathways. This National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, show survivors that they are not alone. Call Victims United Inc at 340-642-5204 to learn how you can help make certain survivors voices are heard and acted upon.
Semana Nacional de los Derechos para las Vctima de Crimen
Cada año, millones de estadounidenses se ven afectados por el crimen. Muchos necesitarán atención, apoyo y recursos continuos. Del 23 al 29 de abril es la Semana Nacional de los Derechos de las Víctimas del Crimen, un momento para amplificar las voces de los sobrevivientes y comprometerse a crear un entorno donde los sobrevivientes tengan la confianza de que serán escuchados, creídos y apoyados. Apoyemos a las familias, vecinos, amigos y colegas cuyas vidas han sido alteradas para siempre por el crimen. Resolvemos ayudarlos a encontrar su justicia y forjar nuevos caminos de curación. Esta Semana Nacional de los Derechos de las Víctimas del Crimen, muestra a los sobrevivientes que no están solos. Llame a Victims United Inc al 340-642-5204 para saber cómo puede ayudar a que se escuchen y actúen en consecuencia las voces de ciertos sobrevivientes.
We must continue to provide concrete paths to resources and advocate for policy change, so survivors know that their voices will be heard and acknowledged.”
— Katie Ray-Jones
Debemos continuar proporcionando caminos concretos hacia los recursos y abogar por el cambio de políticas, para que los sobrevivientes sepan que sus voces serán escuchadas y reconocidas".
— Katie Ray-Jones
The Issachar K Tigre Chinnery Foundation-Victims United Inc. Partners for Peace is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 2009 as a support program for survivors of homicide victims, focusing on the needs of survivors and the reality of murder and its aftermath.
Our objective is to intervene and provide support through a correlation of various outreach programs and services for survivors of homicide victims and other victims of crime.
This Foundation is a multi-facet organization working to develop programs, activities, and initiatives that teach and work to instill the values of peace and enrich the lives of our young people. We assist and empower survivors with tools that can help them rebuild their lives. Our foundation attains to be an instrumental participant in restoring their communities through education, outreach, collaboration, and Policy Advocacy.
The epidemic of youth violence in the United States Virgin Islands is taking a toll on the Territory’s health. It results in emotional and physical injuries, permanent disability, and death. It consumes enormous health care resources and will diminish and ultimately destroy the quality of life for individuals, families, and the entire community. By the criteria of the United States Department of Health, the United States Virgin Islands is a “distressed” community with problems that equals the national average according to recent reports on the homicide rate per capita. There is a need for immediate action on the behalf of survivors of victims of homicide, a traumatized and psychologically impacted community, scattered across the Territory. This population is in need of the specific and targeted intervention provided by Victims United Inc that starts with the death notification and goes far beyond the burial.
Survivors are confronted with tremendous upheaval and pain, which can lead to numerous difficult emotional and physical challenges. For these reasons, we've embarked on the journey to bring hope and healing through support and community enhancement through this most innovative organization.
"The journey is ongoing and laborious, but the Issachar K Tigre Chinnery Foundation-Victims United Inc. Partners for Peace will keep striving to be a beacon of promise, guidance, and care within our community and we can achieve so much more with your help."
To make available programs and initiatives that maintain our vision and commitment improve social well-being and to support and educate the community about the consequences of violence and alternatives to violence.
Social well-being cannot be achieved under the threat of violence, community unrest or the lack of essentials such as safe streets, housing and access to healthcare and other related services.
A commitment to providing trauma informed service with equity, dignity, compassion and love.
To create and support an environment where people are esteemed, and their lives valued and where families can live in peace and unity.
All individuals, families, and communities shall have equal access services.
“Life is not a solo act. It’s a huge collaboration, and we all need to assemble around us the people who care about us and support us in times of strife.”
– Tim Gunn
Community violence affects millions of people, and their families, schools, and communities every year.
Community violence can cause significant physical injuries and mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Living in a community experiencing violence is also associated with increased risk of developing chronic diseases. Concerns about violence may prevent some people from engaging in healthy behaviors, such as walking, bicycling, using parks and recreational spaces, and accessing healthy food outlets.
Violence scares people out of participating in neighborhood activities, limits business growth and prosperity, strains education, justice, and medical systems; and slows community progress.
Victims United Inc does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, disability, age, or any other factor.
Our goal is to forge a Territorial commitment to help survivors of homicide victims and all victims of crime rebuild their lives. We are dedicated to serving individuals, families, and communities harmed by crime and violence.
Copyright © 2023 IKTC Foundation-Victims United Inc Partners for Peace - All Rights Reserved.
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